Sunday, July 15, 2012

Shock and Awe
“Its lack that gives us inspiration.”
-Ray Bradbury
"Alan! This picture is proof that the Great Pumpkin has arrived! Best from
Ray Bradbury"
(Notable People on Ray Bradbury: Click me if you can't see it.)
Signature Bradbury.

Wonder and awe filled Ray Bradbury’s life. As a young boy, he saw mysticism in everything: From carnivals, to comics, to writing.  He admits, as a fourth grader, his peers made from of him for collecting Buck Rogers comics strips--and so “in that particular year, I tore up my comic strips and a month later, I burst into tears and said to myself, 'Why am I weeping?' Who died?' " he said. "And the answer was me. I had allowed these fools to kill me and to kill the future...I’d never listen to another damn fool in my life...And I went back and collected the Buck Rogers comic strips and started to write about it...And I became a writer."  

Buck Roger Comic Strip

He was raised by his father, an electrician, and his mother, a Swedish Immigrant. In 1926 to ‘33, Ray Bradbury had moved back and forth to Waukgen and Tucson. Finally in  ‘34 he moved to Los Angeles. While in Los Angeles, he saw a devestating thing:
Young Ray Bradbury
"I saw a car crash when I was 15 here in Los Angeles and five people died as a result of it. I arrived at the scene within 20 seconds of hearing the collision. It was the worst mistake I ever made in my life. I didn't know what I was running into. People had been horribly mangled and decapitated. So for months after, I was shaken. It's probably the reason I never learned to drive... "
But he did however roller skate. He would roller skate down Hollywood and try to spot celebrities; he even befriended a couple.  One of them happened to be George Burns, a media celebrity (who was the first person to pay for his work: a joke he wrote for his show.)

Ray felt called to the stage, but two teachers, however, encouraged him to be a writer. Seeing talent in him, and then he began to contemplate to pursue a career in writing. He never did throw away theatre totally--up until he died, he remained a playwright..
High School would be the end of his “formal education.” But it never stopped him from, educating himself: "I believe in libraries because most students don't have any money. When I graduated from high school, it was during the Depression, and we had no money. I couldn't go to college, so I went to the library three days a week for 10 years." He also wrote so much for one literary journal, that he wrote pseudonyms so it wouldn’t seem like a one-man-show.
       He married a woman--an unlike many writers--he stayed married to that woman, and in fact, it was the first woman he ever dated (she passed away at 2003). They both had four daughters.
Early on in his life, in the 1950’s, Ray wrote a major work The Martian Chronicles. Like the,“The Crucible” did for Arthur miller, The Martian Chronicles carried an air of allegory to it. Proving, that sci-fi could show realism and cold war tensions. Due to the respect the book garnered, he met a hero of his, Aldous Huxley--an author of the pinnacle dystopian novel Brave New World.  Aldous Huxley was so impressed, he said: “You’re a poet.”     

Interviewer: What was Huxley like?
Bradbury: He was very polite. Most Englishmen, most intellectual Englishmen, are very polite, and they treat you as if you're the genius, which is a sweet thing to do. Years after we met, I was a panelist along with Huxley discussing the future of American literature. However, I was disappointed when he refused to admit that science fiction is the only way for fiction to go.Interviewer: He was already extolling the virtues of psychedelics by then. We presume he offered you some.  Bradbury: I gave him the right answer: No, thank. I don't want anyone lifting the trapdoor on my head - it may not go down again.

 Then he wrote Fahrenheit 451. His most well known work as well, as he describes himself, the only “science fiction” he has written; He says this because he claims to write fantasies--which can’t happen--but science fiction has a chance of happening. “It's "prevent the future," that's the way I put it. Not predict it, prevent it.”He wrote Fahrenheit 451 with a typewriter in the library of UCLA: 

“In writing the short novel Fahrenheit 451 I thought I was describing a world that might evolve in four or five decades. But only a few weeks ago, in Beverly Hills one night, a husband and wife passed me, walking their dog. I stood staring after them, absolutely stunned. The woman held in one hand a small cigarette-package-sized radio, its antenna quivering. From this sprang tiny copper wires which ended in a dainty cone plugged into her right ear. There she was, oblivious to man and dog, listening to far winds and whispers and soap-opera cries, sleep-walking, helped up and down curbs by a husband who might just as well not have been there. This was not fiction.”  

Ray Bradbury did not deny changing times.  He help create television series based of his works on the Science Fiction Channel, “The Ray Bradbury Theatre.” And when NASA’s Viking landed on Mars he was “hailed as a space age prophet.”
Interviewer: How did you feel when Viking landed on Mars?
Bradbury: There was this festive feeling, like a surprise party, at the Caltech Planetarium the night the Viking ship landed. Carl Sagan and I and a lot of others stayed up all night. Suddenly, the first photographs of Mars started coming back on the giant screen. We were all exhilarated - dancing, laughing and singing. Around nine in the morning, Roy Neal from NBC News came by and held this microphone in front of my face. He said, "Mr. Bradbury, you've been writing about Mars and its civilizations and cities for all these years. Now that we're there and we see that there's no life, how does it feel?" I took a deep breath - I'm so proud I said this out loud to him - and replied: "You idiot! You fool! There is life on Mars - look at us! Look at us! We are the Martians!"
His writing has been so influential, a fiction work he created, “Dandelion Wine” was used as a name for a cosmic-crater “Dandelion Crater.”

Right before his death, Ray Bradbury would go from everything to Comic Con convention to College Lectures. He reluctantly released his Fahrenheit 451 in Ebook format. He died after his wife, who died in 2003. He said if he had to be remembered for anything it is being “a lover.”

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