Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Great Gatsby...and Hunger Games*? 

* Well Sorta. (Its called a hook)

"Don't Judge a book by its cover" is a funny idiom, because we all do it; we all jump to random conclusions when we see boring prose or something we don't understand. 

Don't Judge Me Bro!
On NPR, there was this thing called, "Let's Rush to Judgement." Where they make assertions based on a fresh movie trailer. When the First "Hunger Games" Trailer came out, NPR's Linda Holmes dove into it, phrophesizing (based on first impressions) whether the movie would be good or not.  

Often times in books, we read the first sentence and we have convulsions or we want to cringe. It is said 80% of what people think of you is based on first impressions. And often times, like an acquiantince, we discover the aesthetics--and literary style--go deeper then looks. 

If any of you are bored enough, or watches trailers on Hulu, you would discover that there is a new Great Gatsby movie, fresh and hip (or what ever you hipsters say nowadays) movie coming out.

So. I want you to check out this video. This video is a shocking video. I can understand if you all want to chicken out of it (if you can't tell, I was using reverse psychology and sarcasm).


Then notice the difference between each trailers of the Great Gatsby and how the directors cut-and-paste specific clips to get your attention--stimulating you in ways to make you want what they want you to want. 

You all should know that what a creator does, a writer a director, attempts to stimulate people. 

Everyword, and image, whether in books or movies, is a move to stimulate you. 

Of can't judge things based on the cover or the front or its infantile stages.
Start at 2:00.


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